English as She is Spoke

English as She is Spoke

or, A Jest in Sober Earnest

"EVERY one who loves a laugh," says Fun, "should either buy, beg, borrow, or--we had almost said steal--this book; for in sober earnest we aver that it is not given to every one to 'jest so.'"cafico | Heuth-cock Calander | Whoop Stor | Pea cock Yeung turkey | Pinch Red-Breast, a robin Insects-reptiles. Asp, aspic | Fly Morpion | Butter fly Serpent. Fishes and shell-fishes. Calamary | Large lobster Dorado | Snail A sorte of fish | Wolf Hedge hog | Torpedo Sea-calf. Trees. Lote-tree lotos | Service-tree Chest nut-tree | Jujube-tree Linden-tree. Flowers. Anemony | Mil-foils Blue-bottle | Hink Turnsol. Hunting. Hunting dog | Picker Relay dog | Gun-powder Hound dog | Priming-powder Hound's fee | Hunts man Colours. White | Gridelin Cray | Musk Red. Metals and minerals. Starch | Latten Cooper | Plaster Vitriole Common stones. Loadstones | White lead Brick | Gum-stone Weights. Counterpoise | An obole A pound an half | A quater ounce. Games. Football-ball | Pile Bar | Mall Gleek | Even or non even Carousal | Keel Perfumes. Benzion | Pomatum Perfume paw |

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