threadbare--so "full of strange oaths,"--so odd in his manner, so kind in his heart--calling himself Corporal Grimsby--who had come forward at that opportune moment to supply a starving family with food? Time will show. CHAPTER II Innocence in the Grip of Lust. The day which succeeded the stormy night described in the last chapter, was an unusually fine one. The sun shone clear and bright, and many people were abroad to enjoy the fine bracing air, and indemnify themselves for having been kept within doors on the preceding day. The streets were covered with an ample garment of snow, and the merry music of the sleigh-bells was heard in every direction. At an early hour, Fanny Aubrey (for that was the name of our little heroine,) issued from her dwelling, and taking the sunny side of the streets, resumed her accustomed perambulations, with her basket on her arm. Fanny was small for her age, but exceedingly pretty;

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