An article on phrenology as it relates to the assasination of President McKinley.them. Once this art is understood, the human race is an open book to the reader. Let him who thinks it is a great gain in power to be so equipped, pause and think what a loss it is to be compelled to be ever aware of your enemies' good traits and the blackening faults of your friends. In this sketch the writer will give the salient points in the nature of the murderer of President McKinley, as observed during short periods in the assassin's presence, immediately after arrest and while the private examinations were taking place in District Attorney Penney's office. This has been supplemented, for the sake of absolute accuracy, by some one hundred measurements of the photographs of the condemned man. In the first place, Czolgosz showed remarkable development, for a young man, in certain faculties, and in all, was fairly up to the average. Let it not be thought for a moment that he was an ordinary man, stupid, a degenerate, a maniac or a man of low, vicious propensities. He had qualities so far above this level that if they had been rightly combined and supplemented b

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