Sister Songs

Sister Songs

green, Like the wave-born Lady of Love Hellene; And the scattered snowdrop exquisite Twinkles and gleams, As if the showers of the sunny beams Were splashed from the earth in drops of light. Everything That is child of Spring Casts its bud or blossoming Upon the stream of my delight. Their voices, that scents are, now let them upraise To Sylvia, O Sylvia, her sweet, feat ways! Their lovely mother them array, And prank them out in holiday, For syllabling to Sylvia; And all the birds on branches lave their mouths with May, To bear with me this burthen, For singing to Sylvia. 2. While thus I stood in mazes bound Of vernal sorcery, I heard a dainty dubious sound, As of goodly melody; Which first was faint as if in swound, Then burst so suddenly In warring concord all around, That, whence this thing might be, To see The very marrow longed in me! It seemed of air, it seemed of ground, An

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