Southern romance of a double estrangement between father and son and two lovers.r 'cept Mister Harry Rutter. Dey alls knowed you was away. Been yere mos' ev'ry day--come ag'in yisterday." "Mr. Rutter been here!--Well, what did he want?" "Dunno, sah,--didn't say. Seemed consid'ble shook up when he foun' you warn't to home. I done tol' him you might be back to-day an' den ag'in you mightn't--'pended on de way de ducks was flyin'. Spec' he'll be roun' ag'in purty soon--seemed ter hab sumpin' on his min'. I'll tu'n de knob, sah. Yere--git down, you imp o' darkness,--you Floe!--you Dandy! Drat dem dogs!--Yere, YERE!" but all four dogs were inside now, making a sweepstakes of the living-room, the rugs and cushions flying in every direction. Although Todd had spent most of the minutes since daylight peering up and down the Square, eager for the first sight of the man whom he loved with an idolatry only to be found in the negro for a white man whom he respects, and who is kind to him, he had not neglected any of his other duties. There was a roaring wood fire behind brass an

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