Giants on the Earth

Giants on the Earth

The yoke of Jovian oppressionrests heavily on the dwellers ofEarth--until Damis, the Nepthalim,comes forward to lead them inspirited revolt.of a father to the saviour of his daughter." * * * * * Damis met the outstretched hand with a grip that made the elderly man wince. "It is an honor and a pleasure to grasp in friendship the hand of Turgan, the Kildare of this province," he said, "the hand of one who was born to be ruler in fact, instead of an underling under a Jovian master." "It is true that my father was king of this country before the Jovians came, forty years ago," said Turgan gravely, "yet now there is no honor or merit in it. Even the rank of Kildare, which is but that of a slave ruling other more unfortunate slaves, could not have prevented my only daughter from being dragged away to the seraglio of that monster. To such a pass has one been brought whose birth made him the peer of any. But now we must plan and plan swiftly, else are we undone. Glavour will return with his minions. Safety will be found only in flight, for mere numbers cannot oppose the weapons they will turn against us. Damis, so far you have

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