A Woman's Place

A Woman's Place

Home is where you hang up your spaceship—that is, if you have any Miss Kitty along!began cutting logs. It was odd, the basic pleasure she felt in seeing the sides of the cabin start to take form. Certainly she was not domestic by nature. And this could, in no sense, be considered a home. Still, she felt it might have gone up faster, if the men had used their muscles--their brute strength--rather than spend so much futile time trying to devise power tools. They were also inclined to talk too much about warping radio wave bands through cross sections of sinowaves, and to drop their work on the cabin in favor of spending long hours trying new hookups. But Miss Kitty never nagged about it. She had even tried to follow some of the theory, to share in their efforts to put such theory into practice, to be just a third fellow. Instead she found her thoughts wandering to how an oven could be constructed so she could bake and roast meats instead of broiling and frying them over an open fire. Game was plentiful, fish seemed to be begging for the hook. Every day, without goi

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