Marathi Boys

Marathi Boys

1) Write Articles for Online Blogs Register( ->Articles):
If you are good at writing articles for blogs and websites for any topic then there are greater chances to make money from your skill.
80 out of 100 bloggers are searching for content writers to write contents for their blogs and there is always 80 chances out there when a new 100 blog launched.
Before writing, articles require proper skill and knowledge and it’s possible for only a few people.
Learn On page SEO Techniques for writing articles before writing. You can get anywhere from Rs.100 to Rs.500 per SEO friendly quality article.
Write deep lengthy articles of more than 1500 words so that you can get more pay. Do not worry about who will buy your articles?
There are many websites out there whose prime business is selling articles for bloggers. Article writers like you should open a free account there and complete your profiles.
Register your account with,
article base, Article biz, Ezine articles, etc. Submit your article in the right category.
They will display your article for sale and on the successful sale, you will be paid. You can easily earn Rs. 5000 weekly without putting much effort.
Make a habit of writing at least 1 article per day. If you paid Rs.250 per article per day you can get Rs.7500 per month.
Spend at least 1 – 2 hrs to write articles will make you earn a decent income every month.
or also mainthing is share your articles and earn per View amount.
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