
Bangla Shayeri (WB)

Bangla Shayeri (WB)

10 Upcoming Mind Blowing Technologies

10 Upcoming Mind Blowing Technologies

The world is changing very rapidly with emerging technology almost every day. Smartphones, cloud computing or multi-touch tablets, AI, Smart Vehical, all these innovations revolutionized our life. However, this is just the beginning.

Smart Spaces

Smart spaces are nothing like any physical space over mars or moon. Rather, it is just a physical or digital environment where humans and technology-enabled devices can interact. As technology has become an integral part of everyone’s life, it is important that everyone become familiar with it. Smart spaces have changed human beings from working individually to work together in an interactive environment with technology. An extensive example of smart spaces can be seen in the form of smart cities where people residing in buildings are using intelligent urban ecosystem framework.


The number of mobile phone users is increasing rapidly all over the world than those who use a PC. As smartphones have the computing power and prices are falling as well, users will keep increasing. By 2025, 90% of the world population will have smartphones, even in the most remote area.

Skin Implantable Mobile Phones

Do you always carry your phone in your pocket? Well, you need not to do in the future because by 2025 skin implantable phone will be commercially available. It will be designed to keep an eye over the person’s health more accurately along with the facility to communicate. Pacemaker and other health diagnosing electronic devices are already in the market, but very soon, we’ll see wide use of implantable mobile phones.

Driverless Cars

Autonomous cars will bring too much ease and advantages for the drivers and will also increase the level of safety.
Famous tech companies like Google and Uber are currently working on this project, and according to their reports by 2025, 10% of worlds’ cars will be driverless. Before the roads get flooded with driverless cars, manufacturers are developing many safety plans because there are so many challenges in the way.
So, with the advancement in technology and too much investment, that day is not too far when driverless cars will be seen everywhere.

Brain Microchips

Scientists from all around the world are working hard to design brain microchips. It is a technology which will connect human brains with the help of microchips. It will be operated with the help of programming codes and you can store data in it as well.
Chip designing company, Intel has already said that they will bring it to the market by the end of 2021. As per the survey, people have found it as the latest technology in the world. Everyone is eagerly waiting for it.
Technology is surely revolutionizing the world. Whether for commercial use or for personal, technology is becoming a part of everyone. Many organizations are trying to implement it in their workplace to ensure that the work gets completed more efficiently.
So, this was the list of some of the best tech trends of upcoming years. You guys will be able to experience all of them very soon and make your life easier than ever.

Autonomous Things

While artificial intelligence has been a consistent trend for the last several years, now is the time for autonomous things. Whether it is a car, a computer system, a plane, or any other machine, autonomous things make use of artificial intelligence. This technology is going to be implemented in robots, vehicles, drones, electronic appliances, and many more. Each of them has a distinct capability, coordination, intelligence, and covers different areas of the environment. For example, a drone will be operated in the air and at the same time, a robot will be assisting a farmer in the field.
However, they don’t have the same capability as humans for decision making and general learning.

The rise of AI-enabled chips

Unlike other software, AI heavily relies on specialized processors that complement the CPU. Even the fastest and most advanced CPU may not improve the speed of training an AI model. While inferencing, the model needs additional hardware to perform complex mathematical computations to speed up tasks such as object detection and facial recognition.
In 2019, chip manufacturers such as Intel, NVIDIA, AMD, ARM and Qualcomm will ship specialized chips that speed up the execution of AI-enabled applications. These chips will be optimized for specific use cases and scenarios related to computer vision, natural language processing and speech recognition. Next generation applications from the healthcare and automobile industries will rely on these chips for delivering intelligence to end-users.

Heart monitoring T-shirt

Wearable sports bands that measure your heart rate are nothing new, but as numerous studies have shown, the accuracy can vary wildly (especially if you rely on them to count calories). In general, that’s fine if you just want an idea of how hard you’re working out, but for professionals, accuracy is everything.
Using a single lead ECG printed into the fabric, this new t-shirt from smart materials company KYMIRA will accurately measure heart beats and upload them to the cloud via Bluetooth. Once there, algorithms process the data to accurately detect irregular heartbeats such as arrhythmia heart beats, which could prove life saving.
And it’s not just athletes who could benefit. “The possibilities this product offers both sportspeople and the general public is astonishing,” says Tim Brownstone, CEO and founder of KYMIRA. “We envisage developing this product to be used for clinical applications to allow those who may already suffer with heart conditions enough warning of a heart attack.”

Simba Hybrid Pillow

Yes, this is a pillow. At first glance not the most technologically astounding product on a list of cool new gadgets – it doesn’t even have a USB port for crying out loud – but don’t be fooled by its analogue exterior, this pillow is packed with some “cool” features.
First off is that there is nary a feather to be seen. Instead the pillow is packed full of foam ‘Nanocubes’, which provide the head support you need to get a good night’s sleep. Not going to lie, when I first head of an ‘adjustable pillow’ I naïvely assumed it would be some sort of digitised air pump, but instead you just pull out a few of the cubes and store them in a handy bag to get the pillow to the height and firmness you find most comfortable. Again, very analogue, but then the idea of sleeping anywhere near anything that needs a plug socket terrifies me (electric blanket…? Never!). Also, it means you can genuinely get the pillow exactly how you want it, without having to hope that the super-soft pillow you have just bought will be ‘the one’.



How Whatsapp Group Impacts the World

That’s all for this post. I hope you find it helpful. Feel free to drop any queries, doubts, or suggestions regarding anything mentioned above in the comments section

Disclosure: whatsapp group has denied all reports of a data breach saying that all user information, including their financial data, is safe and securely stored on its servers.

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